Personal Writing

What if you don’t have a Spark?

The Challenge

In the course of talking with others about my (re)Discover Your spark course recently, I heard a similar comment from a number of very different types of people. In essence they asked, “How can I rediscover something I’ve never discovered (or had) in the first place?”

This doubt left me stunned in each of these moments, and the conversations have been kicking around in my brain ever since.

So let me address this point to anyone reading this:

Everyone has a Spark.


Allow me to explain what a Spark is:

Our Spark is simply who we are: the aspects of ourselves that bring us joy, allow us to share something of personal value and serve something beyond ourselves.

Whether you have big, audacious dreams or want to show up as a better version of yourself, finding and giving space to your Spark determines much of the way you will move forward. That’s why some people who have survived inconceivable atrocities appear lit from within as they perform acts of service while others, who have every advantage life can offer, are miserable, bitter and self-consumed. What you are is not nearly as important as Who you are. That’s your Spark.

The Solution

What I’m actually helping people do is (re)Discover their Spark of who, not what, they are. That’s an important distinction because if you think this work is only for those who are striving for titles, wealth and fame, then, yes, many people don’t have a spark.

But if this work is for people wanting to discover the qualities and attributes of the true essence they bring to their home, neighborhood, community and beyond, then this work is for anyone who wants to dig deeper and realize they can make a difference, regardless the size, for themselves and others.

Some of the most extraordinary people I know are not those whom anyone would define as superstars. They don’t have enviable jobs or titles; they aren’t household names or even widely known in their own communities. Instead, they are the people who have (re)discovered where their passions and skill sets intersect, and they have pursued work, volunteer opportunities, practices and relationships that allow those two areas to shine.

Think of your favorite teacher, your most beloved relative, that parent of your friend who was a pseudo-parent to you. Recall the stranger who once told you in passing how incredible you looked, the person who arranged the meal train after learning of your crisis, the acquaintance who arrived at the building site, the clean-up effort or the distribution center to participate in the work of rebuilding.

Those people might not technically matter to more than a few dozen people, but they (re)discovered their spark and found a way to let it shine forth brilliantly. And that has made a difference in your life and theirs.

That’s what this work is all about.

And that’s why YOU absolutely have a spark, and it’s extraordinary.

COMING SOON: an exciting announcement to help you Discover Your Spark, whether you believe you have one or not. You just have to be willing to dig a little bit and set aside your belief that you were born without or aren’t worthy of having one. We’ll begin the process of finding it together…I promise!

Dayna Del Val is on a mission to help others (re)discover the spark they were born with through her blog and newsletter, her professional talks and the (re)Discover Your Spark retreats she leads. Dayna works with people to help them not just identify and articulate their dreams but to develop a framework to get going on the pursuit of those dreams—today, in the next few months and for the years ahead. She's at the intersection of remarkable and so, so ordinary, but she knows that pretty much everyone else is, too. She's excited to be sharing this extraordinary journey with you.

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