Beyond the devastation (and our late in the year diagnosis), COVID was a gift for Dr Marry and me. I closed down my offices in March and have been working from home ever since. That means Dr Marry and I had all spring and summer and much of the fall together since his job was also a hybrid of in-person and virtual teaching. We walked and biked more than we ever have. I baked copious amounts of bread and went back to my pre-full time job delight of searching for and trying fun new recipes.
Some things I am grateful for
I woke up early this morning, but it was already a little bit light out. This is one of my very favorite things about springtime—the coming of longer days. So I laid in bed for a minute and thought about all the little and big things I have come to be grateful for in this uncertain time: A much slower pace. In the morning, for example, Dr Marry and I have time to enjoy a cup of tea because we’re not running out the door to spin class. Multiple daily walks with Dr Marry and our pup Lilly through the neighborhood. Bread baking. Time to think about making lunch and…