Stress is inevitable. Jobs, families, money, personal anxiety, mental and physical health, politics, the economy, a global pandemic...the list goes on and on. But almost nothing is ever better accomplished by a panicked frenzied state of being. And if it is, the price to pay is with your own state of mind.
Pursuing passion and finding grace in the midst of a global pandemic (podcast & zoom check in)
One of the things I’m working on now that I have some extra time is really trying to be strategic about where I want extraordinaryextraordinary to go next. I’m reading books, listening to podcasts, making podcasts (still trying to get a handle on that medium, to be honest. Ugh, technology! ) and thinking about what value I can provide. To that end, I invite you to consider these seven questions: 1. What’s causing you stress right now?2. How are you managing it?3. What could you do to be managing it better? Where can you cut yourself some slack? Where can you offer yourself some grace? If you had a magic…