It’s always a little melancholic to get to the end of a year: time is passing so quickly, but it’s also a little liberating to see what has been done in the past 12 months, too. So in the spirit of looking back before I look forward, I have opted to assess 2019 from this series of questions I found from a friend on Facebook. We talked through a number of them at supper last night and had a great conversation; I invite you to consider doing the same, either by yourself of with some close friends or family. What makes this year unforgettable? Travel:
Universe 1, Dayna 0, right?
Long post ahead. Also, this is part of a larger piece of writing I am working on, so know that a few things might feel out of context. I think it will all explain itself if you read to the end. And if you don’t, your life will likely go on just fine, so win-win either way! For the past two years in March, I have gone to Washington, DC to attend the Americans for the Arts conference. I stay with my friend Ellen in her great big beautiful house near the National Cathedral, and I enjoy much of the art that the city has to offer. This past March,…