Spark Space: Community, Learning & Delight

Welcome to Spark Space!

This is a new subscription series starting in January 2024 for anyone who’s participated in any program inside the (re)Discover Your Spark Empire: a (re)Discover Your Spark retreat/course, an Eat. Drink. Spark! experience and/or Spark Start.
After the very first virtual weekend retreat in November 2020, one of the participants noted that he wanted to stay engaged with everyone and continue to work together. I developed every-six-week check-ins with prompts and community-building opportunities, and a number of us met like that for the next two years.
So much extraordinary learning and connecting came out of those 60-minute sessions. I realized I could formalize them for even greater impact.
In 2023, I launched the (re)Ignite Your Spark subscription series. Based on feedback and learning from that outstanding cohort over this year, I’ve rebranded and revised the program. 
I’m delighted to announce the creation of Spark Space, an annual, virtual subscription series centered around three core values:
Community: an engaged and supportive network of people who have participated in one or more of the (re)Discover Your Spark programs (a (re)Discover Your Spark retreat/course, an Eat. Drink. Spark! experience and/or Spark Start).
Spark Space fosters and builds a cohort with a shared desire to continue discovering, growing and evolving your individual Sparks as well as each other’s.
It’s also a centralized place for people to connect to, collaborate with and cheer on each other inside the Spark Empire.
Learning: we’ll gather synchronously and virtually together 4 times throughout the year for check-ins, to work on prompts and support each other as we continue growing and building our Sparks to bring more of what we want and need into our lives.

Delight: Spark Space isn’t just a place of learning, it’s a place of fun, too (watch the video if you don’t believe me). The ability to develop meaningful relationships is central to all of the (re)Discover Your Spark programs, and Spark Space is no different

But there's even more...

Before each check-in, you’ll receive a thoughtful question to consider. Then you’ll spend time as a group or in break-out rooms sharing your answers. This will take your conversations deeper, faster and more quickly help you find common ground and connection with others.
In addition to the check-ins, you’ll receive monthly emails with additional Spark-related content, announcements and cohort updates. We’ll celebrate the wins, commiserate the misses and be there to support each other all year long.
New this year, we’ll also end each session with a lightening round of “Quarter Goals.” This will be your opportunity to share how the group can assist you in between check-ins (like my Instagram page, meet me for a zoom coffee date, attend my free launch session, read my opening chapter, check in with me about this specific element of my Spark, etc).
The delight of this is two-fold: when you ask for help and get it, you feel seen and valued. When you provide help to others, you feel seen and valued.

At only $100, it’s a small (but powerful) investment in your Spark, in your next year and in YOU!

I love to interact with my cohort and hear what they are up to. They are an inspiring bunch with helpful insights. I have been able to give much more time and attention to progress on my desire to write fiction and have stayed motivated because I knew I would report back to the group. The writing prompts have directed me to think in new ways I would not have on my own.
Maureen KJ
The check-ins have been super to really regroup and refocus, or even just to share what I've been up to. Being able to reconfigure my attention to what is happening NOW and not focus on one particular aspect of my Spark—that has made the check-ins and Spark work fantastic.
Emily V
Before I arrive at a check-in, I'm often almost out of gas. But by the time I leave, I go away with a full tank. It's inspiring to hear other people's progress and receive their encouragement.
Quinn D

Personal Growth and Development inside Spark Space

As with all of the (re)Discover Your Spark programs, Spark Space is not an additional obligation in your life but provides additive value to what you are already doing, dreaming about and working toward as you keep your Spark not just lit but growing!
Each session (Jan, April, July and October, dates & time TBD based on the cohort) will be:
  • 75-minutes long
  • Recorded and available privately to the cohort 
  • A time of work and play
After all, (re)Discover Your Spark work is ultimately joyful, and we want to keep that energy and intention alive and well in all our interactions.

The Value of Spark Space

  • (re)Discover Your Spark: bring your match (your existing ideas, dreams and desires and/or your open mind ready to make a new (re)discovery) to the check-ins, trusting it will be lit there
  • Nurture Your Spark: by digging deeper and sharing your match with others, you help to light theirs, too
  • Grow Your Spark: the collective matches light a warming fire of ideas, energy and connection
  • Share Your Spark: the check-ins are a virtual campfire where you gather as friends to share the Sparks of what you all need and want most in your lives
In the three years we’ve been doing check-ins, Spark participants  have had extraordinary transformations. Friendships have developed and real support has been given.
If you were a (re)Ignite Your Spark participant in 2023, I hope you’ll renew your subscription for Spark Space. If you haven’t participated in a check-in for the past year or more (or ever!), consider it now. If you found value in a (re)Discover Your Spark retreat/course, an Eat. Drink. Spark! experience or Spark Start, I hope you’ll be curious about what continuing in the Spark community looks like and will say yes to this simple but profound opportunity.

I’ve intentionally kept the price point low so that as many people as possible can say yes.

A campfires get its energy from the type and amount of material it burns.

True community operates the same way: it’s strongest with a broad array of dreams, intentions and good will.

If you want to be part of Spark Space and the price is still too high, let’s have a conversation and figure out a payment plan.

Still have questions? I have answers

It’s 4, 75-mintue virtual check-ins over the course of the year (Jan, April, July and October). That’s a total of 5 hours of live time over the 8,760 hours in 2024
You’ll also receive bi-monthly emails with additional content to keep you moving your Spark forward in between, but they won’t take significant time to read. How much time you give to working through the prompts is up to you.


In the past, you needed to have completed the entire (re)Discover Your Spark retreat or course to be part of these check-ins. But one of the big benefits to Spark Space is that you just need to have been introduced to the beginning of (re)Discover Your Spark work, which you have been by going through an Eat. Drink. Spark! experience or Spark Start.
In other words, you’ll find value in these check-ins regardless where you are on your Spark journey because there’s great learning and insight from the prompts and the community.
At no point will you have to share how you’ve come to Spark Space, so it doesn’t matter how much of the (re)Discover Your Spark work you’ve done in the past.
Spark Space is additive to every stage of your Spark journey.
My intention is to make the prompts as flexible as possible so that they serve everyone in the cohort regardless where they are in their Spark journey.
And even if you are much further into your Spark work than others at a check-in, sometimes it’s a question from someone who hasn’t been thinking about your work for years or a new perspective based on somebody else’s experience that opens a whole new way of thinking about and acting on your Spark.
We’ll schedule all 4 check-ins  at the start of the year, once the cohort is complete, so you’ll be able to get them into your cleandar. But if you have to miss, we record them and share them in a private YouTube channel, so you can still take advantage of the prompts and learning that goes on.
You’ll get a monthly Spark Space email from me. It will have additional prompts and “assignments” for you to consider and/or complete.
And I’ll invite you to share your successes, questions and frustrations there, too.
And as we go, I know there will be plenty of opportunities for you to connect outside our 4 meetings, too. Community will be built organically as we go along, and that will keep you motivated and moving forward.

All of this is yours for only $100, but you have to act fast.

Once the cart closes on December 19, you won’t be able to participate in the program until 2025.

Don’t miss out on a whole year of nurturing and growing your Spark with Spark Space.

Time and time again I’ve watched someone’s match (re)ignite at a check-in or seen someone reach over to help light someone else’s Spark. We’ve laughed together and been there to support each other through challenges. The collective strength of a virtual room full of people all leaning into their Spark and the Sparks of others is an extraordinary thing to be part of.
I hope you’ll join us in 2024 for Spark Space. Whether you’ve put your Spark on hold, are feeling like it needs a refresh or want to continue growing from where you are, there’s a place for you in Spark Space.
You’ll never regret saying yes to your Spark and yes to YOU. Join Spark Space today!

We will schedule the check-ins  based on the cohort’s schedules after the cart closes December 19, 2023.

Due to the nature of Spark Space, there will be no refunds once a subscription is purchased.