I’ll be your accountabilibuddy as you take the first steps to (re)Discover Your Spark & begin the next stage of your extraordinary journey!

What if you knew what lit you up inside so you could show up in your life as more of who you want to be? With more of what you want and need to be fully present in your own life?
With Spark Start, you’ll explore 8 areas of your life, and you’ll get comfortable digging deeper, dreaming bigger and growing your Spark.
And now, with Spark Start LIVE, we’ll meet for a private, 75-minute zoom call to work through these 8 areas and your commitment to taking the first step together (scheduled for Dec or Jan)!
PLUS all the other elements of Spark Start (see below).
What's included in Spark Start LIVE?
A short, guided visualization to get you centered
The Spark Start guide to help you uncover Sparks in your life
An invitation to make a Spark plan of action
Social media posts to share your success with Spark Start
Emails to motivate and inspire you to keep going
Delight in discovering all these Sparks in your life
PLUS a private, 75-minute zoom call with me to work through the guide and
anything else related to Spark Start!
All this is yours for only $107!
You’ll also get my Sunday morning extraordinary newsletter to keep you moving forward. It will ensure you’ll always be the first to know about upcoming retreats and experiences, events and more, too.
And you’ll be added to the growing community of fantastic people who are already part of the Spark Empire.
Purchase Spark Start LIVE today and get going on the first steps of the path to (re)Discover Your Spark!
But don’t delay because Spark Start LIVE is only available for purchase from Nov 20-27 (we’ll schedule your zoom call for Dec or Jan) & only to the first 10 people who say, “YES!”
Say yes to YOU and your Spark TODAY!
But you don't have to only take my word for it...
Thanks for creating a space for people to reflect and then dream forward.

Liz B
Spark Start purchaser
A great way to begin your journey and take the first step in (re)Discovering Your Spark. Well worth the price! Thanks Dayna for helping this engineer discover her inner artist.

Carolyn J
Spark Start purchaser
When you think about what really lights you up, do you think, “I’m not ready to go ‘there?” or “How can I find something I’ve never had in the first place?” or “This work feels scary. I’m not a ‘dream big’ kind of person.” or “Sounds great, but I don’t have time to jump into this now.”
I get it. It can be scary to dream and say it out loud. Even a small dream can feel hard to get started on. And how in the world are you going to fit one more thing onto your already full plate?
To be alive is to have a Spark. Every single person has one—including YOU! It’s that internal pilot light that’s been a steady flame throughout your life, whether you’ve ever used it to light your path or not.
What if there was a way for you to (re)discover interests, talents and dreams you haven’t thought about in any meaningful way for years? What if you could safely uncover new passions and hobbies that started bringing you more of what you want and need right away? And what if it didn’t have to be scary, take a ton of time or cost a million dollars?
That’s exactly why I created Spark Start.
It’s a quick, affordable and not-at-all-scary way to look at 8 different areas of your life. Some might surprise you, and some will feel so familiar that you’ll smile when they cross your mind because it’ll be like reconnecting with a long-lost friend.
Ultimately, Spark Start is about what lights you up inside. Period.
And now, for this brief period of time, when you purchase Spark Start LIVE, I’ll be your guide, your accountabilibuddy, through the program with a private, 75-minute zoom call!
Even more details about what's in Spark Start
Watch the welcome video. I’ll share some of my Sparks and my journey to get to here
You might be surprised to learn that I have only very recently discovered the tiniest of Sparks in my life, something I haven’t done in more than 45 years, that has brought me an immense amount of joy. And it cost me fewer than $10 and about 8 minutes of doodling to get started on it.
Listen to a Spark Guided Visualization to help you get centered and present
Freewrite in the Spark Start guide on 8 different areas of your life
Some of what you put down, especially at first, might feel obvious or not all that Spark-y, but once you get going, some will surprise you: things you haven’t thought about in decades or something totally new you’ve never considered.
Meet with me LIVE over zoom (scheduled for Dec or Jan) to work through the guide and anything else related to Spark Start (only when purchased between Nov 20-27).
Make a plan to pursue one or more of these Sparks in the next 3 days to take you from dreaming to doing
Immediate action means you’re more likely to keep moving forward.
Share your progress with your social media network for fun accountability and community-building with ready-made images and posts
Receive 3 emails in the two weeks after you sign up to motivate and inspire you to keep going
Delight in (re)discovering and pursuing all these Sparks in your life
Any of this speak to you?
You’re on an endless hamster wheel of wake up, get (everyone) ready for the day, rush to work, run to get someone to a practice/rehearsal/activity, make dinner, hurry up to get (everyone) ready for bed, stream something, go to sleep. Repeat.
You have some free time but you’re “wasting” it. You wake up early, determined to be productive but find your hour has flown by while you’ve scrolled through social media.
Nobody ever praised you for something you used to love doing. You watched others excel while you toiled away in obscurity, so you put that thing down because what’s the point of pursuing something you’re not any good at, that nobody notices, that’s not advancing your career, your bank account, your future?
You’ve never found your “thing.” That passion, hobby or pursuit that really makes you come alive, that is a Spark of more of what you want and need in your life.

But imagine if your life didn’t have to be like that
What if there was another way forward, and it didn’t mean upending your entire current life?
What if you could discover Sparks that effortlessly fit into your already packed schedule, that didn’t cost a million dollars or demand that you go on a two-week silent meditation retreat?
What if you could start to work your Sparks into your life right now?
With Spark Start, you can!
In a short amount of time, you’ll discover small, simple ways to hop off that hamster wheel and engage with more of what you want and need in your life. And you’ll put a plan in place to take your first step in the next 3 days!
And I’ll be there to guide and cheer you on!
Hi. I’m Dayna Del Val, and I’m thrilled to be on this journey with you!
One thing I know is that we can go for way too long a time straddling the seemingly opposite sides of extraordinary. That hamster wheel does an excellent job of keeping us trapped between remarkable and so, so ordinary, often leaning heavily towards the so, so ordinary side.
Listen, I know what it’s like to have this low-grade, impending fear that your Spark is unattainable and that you’re not all that special after all.
On the surface, my life’s been pretty ordinary:
Born and raised in a rural part of the US
An actor who never made it to Hollywood because I got pregnant right before I graduated with a theatre degree
The CEO of a small arts nonprofit (2010-2023)
Newly self-employed, which means no consistent paycheck
One child, one dog, one husband: in that order
Live in a small city in flyover country
But here’s where it gets remarkable:
A bona fide angel visited me hours before my son was born
I’m a writer. I put together ideas in ways others want to read
I had a conversation with the Universe, clear as day, about (re)Discover Your Spark work while walking on a dirt road during a two-week writing retreat in September 2020
I’m a SAG-AFTRA actor despite never moving to Hollywood
I am absolutely a performer, but now I’m telling MY stories rather than acting out the stories of others
You’re reading this and considering Spark Start LIVE for yourself—if that’s not remarkable, I don’t know what is!

All the experts can write all the books they want to teach us how to find the Spark that’s within each and every one of us, but those further down the path have often forgotten what it’s like to stand at the front of it, unsure of the first step.
I haven’t forgotten because in many ways, I’m standing at the starting line right next to you.
And that’s why I created Spark Start.
To guide you to take a deep breath, step off that hamster wheel (if only for a few minutes), get curious and commit to the very first step to (re)Discover Your Spark.
I know as soon as you start (re)discovering your Sparks and employing them in your life, you’ll realize what a gift it is to keep digging and finding more of what lights you up.
How do I know that?
Because it’s exactly what I’m doing right now to light my own path forward.
And now we can take the journey together!

The value of everything you receive with Spark Start LIVE
A welcome video from me talking about some of my Sparks and my journey to get to here
I’m a professional speaker, but I’m sharing my story with you right here.
$1,000 value
A guided visualization to help you get centered and present
I’m a reluctant meditator because it’s hard for me to quiet my mind, but when it works, it really works! I’m a student constantly striving for more mental peace and bet that you might be, too.
$100 value
The Spark Start guide
This is the foundational first step of all the (re)Discover Your Spark work I do.
$250 value
A 75-minute live zoom session with me, your Spark accountabilibuddy
Together, we’ll work through the guide and anything else related to Spark Start that you want. Having someone to bounce ideas off of means you’ll get even more from the whole experience (we’ll schedule the call for Dec or Jan).
$350 value
Social media posts
One way that helps make this work “stick” is to share it publicly. I’ve created a series of social media posts you can share with your network. Invite your friends to step off their own hamster wheel and join you in this new journey to (re) Discover Your Spark through Spark Start LIVE.
$150 value
Follow up emails to motivate you and keep you on track
You’ll hear from me three times in the two weeks after you purchase Spark Start LIVE. These emails are special to this program and will remind you why you said yes in the first place. Email 1 will celebrate that you got started. Email 2 will encourage you to keep going. Email 3 will challenge and inspire you to take your Spark pursuit even further!
$300 value
My weekly Sunday extraordinary newsletter will inspire and motivate you to keep (re)discovering your own Sparks.
Become a member of the growing community of fantastic people who are already part of the Spark Empire.
Delight in (re)discovering all these Sparks in your life and saying yes to YOU!
Altogether, that’s a more than $2,000 value package and it’s yours for only $107!
But you have to act fast, as this offer is only available until November 27 and then it goes away.
Spark Start is for you if…
You’d love to find more of what you want and need to add to your day without breaking the bank or demanding too much time
You’re approaching (or are in) a time of transition—retirement, graduating from college, a new job, empty nesting, a recent marriage or divorce, about to become a parent…and you’re uncertain what’s next for you
You’re secretly afraid you simply don’t have a Spark or you’d have found it by now
You know there’s something “more” out there for you—you just aren’t sure what it is
You’re stuck on the mundane hamster wheel of life, and it’s only speeding up and dragging you down
You’re worried your current life is the best it’s going to get
Listen, Spark Start can’t “fix” you—mostly because you’re not broken. But also because only you can really make change in your own life.
But what Spark Start can and will do is reveal to you possibilities, passions and pursuits you’ve forgotten all about or never even thought of before.
And now, for this brief period (Nov 20-27), you’ll get a bonus a 75-minute zoom conversation with me that will:
Guide you to go even deeper with your Spark (re)discoveries
Set clearer goals to get moving right now
Be seen, heard and supported by a true Spark cheerleader!
Spark Start will (re)ignite your internal pilot light, remind you of the joys you used to know and invite you to explore new ones, too. And making a commitment to taking the first step within 3 days means you’ll be moving toward your Spark ASAP!
And when you do that, suddenly the hamster wheel isn’t so overwhelming. When you add a little Spark here and there to your demanding day, the fun, joy and satisfaction of that moment carries through to all the other demands that are weighing you down.
How do I know? One of the great “ah ha!” moments I’ve had doing this work for myself has been realizing that it’s almost always the tiniest Sparks that make the biggest impact.
But you’ll learn more about that in the welcome video.
Click on any of the purchase buttons, and you’ll receive the first email with all the links and information you need to watch the video, listen to the guided visualization, download the Spark Start guide, access the social media posts and more.
Then you’ll schedule our call (for Dec or Jan) to accelerate your (re)discovering, with even more sense of direction and a clearer plan of action to get and keep you going with your Spark lighting the way.
It’s easy peasy, and once you’ve downloaded everything, you’ll have access to them forever!
Due to the digital nature of Spark Start LIVE, there will be no refunds after purchase.