TThen & Now When I started as Executive Director of The Arts Partnership in 2010, I was pretty much an absolute nobody. I didn’t come from a family name that mattered in my community, I hadn’t done anything that identified me as a powerhouse and I wasn’t married to someone whose name, title or reputation held any particular significance. In short, I had to build my credibility from the ground up. So I did. I made one phone call after the other, read one leadership book on top of another, drank one seemingly never-ending cup of coffee (eventually moving entirely to tea), introduced myself to one person and the next…
No more flitting like a honey bee OR We’re launching something new!
So we're launching a daily, short (no more than 15 minutes and often quite a bit less) Facebook livestream focused on one topic around our story--our experience of Dr Marry's fall into addiction and our shared journey to sobriety. Our plan is to do them at 8:30am starting today.
Appropriate horn tooting
I knew, unconsciously, when I uploaded this that it was garbage. I mean, the only credit I give myself is basically having the good sense to attract and keep someone with an accent.
A series of (seemingly) random fortunate events. But how random were they really?
One of Michael's recent posts extolled the virtues of an opportunity he had had a number of years ago to attend/audit a course through Parsons School of Design called Creative Careers. The whole email (and frankly all of them) was really interesting, but I truly loved this sentence:
Just my luck
For one moment, the Earth stopped spinning and everything stood completely still as I darted my eyes out to the gaping-mouthed crowd. Then it started up again, and I turned my full attention to the audience, determined to take control of this preposterous moment...
Just some (more) existential thoughts from this week
On a walk with Dr Marry, I had one of those exploding lightbulb moments where I realized that my entire adult life I have self-sabotaged my own success, my next move. The roadblocks I have encountered have not been accidental: I have absolutely designed and installed them to keep me from pursuing so many things. That infuriates me to think of all I haven't achieved because I stopped myself.