How does someone with a non-traditional path showcase their skills, particularly if they aren't looking to do a conventional job search? That’s where AI came in.
Personal Writing
Embrace the essence of summer—(re)Discover Your Spark
Today, wake up and pay attention to where you are right this minute. Every season of life is short, and if your “next” feels unknown, join us for a virtual (re)Discover Your Spark retreat to guide you back to being present and purposeful.
Wait, you love me, Mel Robbins?
"Radio Dayna" (think public radio not morning shock jock here) is the culmination of 13 years of working in the nonprofit sector where my real thoughts had to be masked about nearly everything (the 45th "inhabitant" of the White House, anyone?); working with too many coaches, great as they all have been, and falling into their styles; working toward my own coaching certification where the gold standard is to sit in silence for as long as it takes the client to have their own breakthrough (gaaaaaaaaaaah!).
Reflections on Resilience: finding strength and joy on Maui’s shores
Go back and revisit your younger self. Marvel at your naïveté and optimism, tremble at what you know is coming and, most importantly, celebrate what you’ve overcome, what you are overcoming.
From struggle to Spark: empowering others on their journey
That's why I'm delighted to offer three “(re)Discover Your Spark Use Up the Existing Workbooks” virtual retreats. I’m offering these opportunities at a significantly reduced price with additional scholarships for those in need. If you’re struggling but eager to transform your life, reach out. We’ll have a conversation, determine what you can afford, and get you started on your journey to a brighter future.
Life lessons learned in Bath, England
Putting on events, launching new programs, starting a business...taking whatever leap you're considering taking is never easy, but regardless the work it requires, you better be able to say it was fun to do or what in the world is the point?
This little kitchen in Burnham, England, Spark and 16 years ❤️
That little house brought us back together, slowly but surely, as we carefully danced around and with each other, mending the hurts and traumas of the past years; its small doorways and rooms gently forcing us to reach toward each other versus apart until we’d (re)discovered and built upon our initial attraction to create an abiding love.
The beauty of saying yes
Spontaneity is an under-valued trait. There's a lot of upside to not knowing how something's going to go and saying yes anyway. I'm not saying to be insane—there are certainly places to stop, take a breath and consider the options, weigh the pros and cons and seek advice from others. But mostly, saying yes is about trusting your own instincts, getting quiet and listening to that inner voice that's guiding you, trying to help direct your inner traffic if you'll only stop and pay attention.
Embrace Easter: Find Resurrection in Personal Renewal
Consider how feminine the sunrise is. The colors, pale pink, yellow, orange, purple and blue slowly emerge and give birth to the glorious orb that appears as if from nowhere. Where there was dark, there is now light. When the sun breaks the horizon line, it’s as if the entire Earth takes a collective inhale and light and life begins again. Rebirth. Resurrection. Its Latin root, surgere, means “to rise.”
Syncing with the seasons: a mindful approach to life, work and personal growth
Rest is vital for everything in nature. Whether that's hibernation, shedding leaves, low tide or early sunsets, nature understands that immense value of taking a break, slowing down, getting quiet and preparing to gear back up again.