The set up I had breakfast with a friend recently; she asked me how my new life was going, a question I’m getting a lot these days and one that’s forcing (allowing?) me to have hard conversations with myself because the answer isn’t what I want it to be…yet I paused to determine how honest I would be. I went for real and said, “Oh, it’s a complete bust.” She looked a bit askance, so I went on, “I naively thought that when I finally announced I was leaving my stable job to venture out, the Universe would send a rainbow through my office window and a unicorn would gracefully…
2021: My year in review
n other ways, COVID has opened up the world because there's been different time to explore people and things online. I've enjoyed developing new relationships with people who are invested moving through the world like I am, and I've rekindled some very old friendships with regularly scheduled zoom calls. *Because of that, I think some of what is dragging on me is that I'm realizing that some of the friendships I thought were rock solid have just not held up very well these last couple of years. People who were once important to me have not felt very supportive of the path I am pursuing. This isn't something that I've…
What do you do when the Universe gives you an answer?
How often do we beg, plead, ask the Universe, God, our ancestors, the spirits to provide answers to our greatest needs or desires?
Gratitude goes a long way
I woke up trapped between wondering why I'm spending such an inordinate amount of time on these "side gigs" that don't seem to be getting me anywhere and hoping against hope that the Universe is busy paying attention to someone (anyone!) else and misses my doubts and despair so that I don't get smited (smote?) for questioning its pace or interest in my dream. Ugh!
Some things I am grateful for
I woke up early this morning, but it was already a little bit light out. This is one of my very favorite things about springtime—the coming of longer days. So I laid in bed for a minute and thought about all the little and big things I have come to be grateful for in this uncertain time: A much slower pace. In the morning, for example, Dr Marry and I have time to enjoy a cup of tea because we’re not running out the door to spin class. Multiple daily walks with Dr Marry and our pup Lilly through the neighborhood. Bread baking. Time to think about making lunch and…