Struck by the perfection of the scene, I grabbed my phone and took one photo. Flowers from last night's dinner guests, a mug from a dear friend filled with Barry's Irish tea, my paper calendar, my all in one journal, scheduler and dream keeper, and the sun streaming in to bless it all.
There she is…
I'm not "cured" because I don't know that we're ever cured of the traumas, big T or little t, that we encounter in our navigation of life, but I'm feeling much better about having opened the door and faced my fears. I know I have other things to uncover and work through, but it will never again be as scary as the first time. And I will never again enter in afraid that my problems are beyond fixing.
When halfway isn’t nearly far enough
Dr Marry and I go to spin class 3-4 times/week. I often gripe about it because I’d always much rather be sitting somewhere comfortable, reading or these days writing. But he’s totally committed to it, which is ultimately great because it’s good for me to actually exercise a little now and again, and there was a time not all that long ago that he wouldn’t do anything like this…but that’s for another blog post. When class starts, the instructors often tell us to “set an intention.” It’s usually in that moment that I tell myself to stop being such a jerk about spin class: I have a healthy body that…