An important note of digression: the Universe's favorite thing to do to and with me is to wait for me to say the word N-E-V-E-R. "I'll never get married." "I'll never have a full-time job." "I'll never teach." "I'll never..."
Just get(ting) over it
When I was a very young adult, I often boldly, and no doubt loudly, proclaimed that as soon as people figured out what was “wrong with them,” the onus was on them to fix it and move on because they had recognized it. If they still had hangups after that, then it was really their own fault, and they couldn’t blame anything on anyone else. What a moron I was. I took my mom to California to visit Quinn and his girlfriend this past weekend, and she and I had a lot of morning time to talk. The two-hour time difference coupled with the fact that she and I are…
Better Late than Never
I’m late to the Brené Brown game. I have known about her for a number of years (hello, I don’t live under a rock!), and I haven’t actively ignored her writings and TED talks, but I haven’t sought them out, either. I suppose I chafed at her seemingly universal popularity; I’m not a joiner of really…anything; getting on her bandwagon felt too obvious. Too basic. So I passively ignored her work. But Brené was in good company; I pretty much have always ignored all self help, personal exploration books. While my mom and my college best friend were eating them up like happy meals, I was busy touting their irrelevance.…