In fact, I was recently invited to be on the podcast, Leave Your Mark, with Scott Livingston. He asked me a series of questions about things no one had ever asked me about, including why I'm an actor, and that me articulate some of this in a new way for me. I've been thinking about many of the questions ever since. Start at minute 8 to hear me talk about why I've always known I am a performer and what drew me to it even further. And note what age I set for the G.O.T.E. sheet analogy to life as well as the fact that i was 22 when I…
I double dog dare you…
And I had that awful, slow dawning of understanding that I have been holding on to this for the entirety of my life because it has "served" me to cast myself as a victim. When I use an oft-repeated phrase that I heard growing up as the reason why I can't do this or that; when I allow it to hamper the deep intimacy I have ever had with any man, including my husband; when I give it more credibility than my intellect, my accomplishments, my spirit, heart and dreams, then whatever failures I have had or might have if I take too big a leap can be passed off…
Time looks like this
They, whomever “they” is, say that time is our most valuable resource. But what does that mean? We spend time, waste time, lose track of it. We find ourselves with too much or too little time on our hands. We save time, take time, find and give it, too. With all the saving and spending and giving and taking, it’s hard to really pin down what time is. As a resource, it’s both finite and infinite. Dr Marry likes to say, “When God made time, God made plenty of it.” As an aside, this would be a perfect example of why we need a gender neutral, singular pronoun, and they…
Perspective flipping
I don’t think I ever anticipated that I would do so much mental contemplating when I started going regularly to spin class more than 2 1/2 years ago. Booming music, sweat pouring down my body and heavy breathing don’t really connote mindfulness, but I am regularly given something to ponder that sticks with me during the Connect song, about 35 minutes into a 45 minute class. Today Torrey, whose arms I spent much of the class admiring as a way to distract myself from the afore-mentioned sweating and heavy breathing, asked one of those innocuous questions that 9 times out of 10 I wouldn’t have given a second thought to.…
When halfway isn’t nearly far enough
Dr Marry and I go to spin class 3-4 times/week. I often gripe about it because I’d always much rather be sitting somewhere comfortable, reading or these days writing. But he’s totally committed to it, which is ultimately great because it’s good for me to actually exercise a little now and again, and there was a time not all that long ago that he wouldn’t do anything like this…but that’s for another blog post. When class starts, the instructors often tell us to “set an intention.” It’s usually in that moment that I tell myself to stop being such a jerk about spin class: I have a healthy body that…