What’s happened to audacious curiosity?
We used to ask each other. Now, we ask Google. AI. We settle for quick answers, binary choices—no nuance, no depth. We’ve lost the habit of true conversation, the kind that invites us to listen, rethink and grow.
That’s why I created Brave Middle Ground and why I’m inviting you to the first Audaciously Curious Exchange (ACE)—a 4-week journey into bold, thought-provoking dialogue. This isn’t about proving a point. It’s about listening, engaging and valuing the merit of differing opinions.
We’ll start with Pete Wehner’s The Death of Politics—I’ll send you the book. Listen to my Brave Middle Ground conversation with him to learn a bit about Pete and the book.
Join me on Zoom Tuesdays in March for deep, challenging discussions that push us beyond the echo chamber.
📅 When: March 4, 11, 18, 25 | 8:30–9:45am CDT
📍 Where: Zoom
💰 Price: $147 ($97 for additional household members who share the book)
📩 RSVP: Email me at dayna@daynadelval.com by Feb 25 at 5pm CDT to secure your spot
Ready to engage? Let’s make curiosity audacious again.
*Each session will be recorded and available privately to the group until Tuesday, April 1. If you have to miss a session, you can send questions in advance and watch the conversation afterwards.
**I reserve the right to remove anyone unwilling to participate in a respectful, curious way or who refuses to listen to and entertain opposing viewpoints. This is not about promoting a single agenda, and I won’t tolerate any bullying behaviors. Ticket prices will not be refunded.
Photo caption: An extraordinary bookshop in Bath, England. They must have had at least one book for every single topic anyone could have ever been curious about. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.