"Radio Dayna" (think public radio not morning shock jock here) is the culmination of 13 years of working in the nonprofit sector where my real thoughts had to be masked about nearly everything (the 45th "inhabitant" of the White House, anyone?); working with too many coaches, great as they all have been, and falling into their styles; working toward my own coaching certification where the gold standard is to sit in silence for as long as it takes the client to have their own breakthrough (gaaaaaaaaaaah!).
I’m launching my new podcast e2 on Saturday!
It’s time to start something new. I mean, surely all this social distancing (if we are privileged and get to stay at/work from home, which I am) is the perfect time to get a little uncomfortable. That is my word for 2020 after all. I’m sending out my first podcast of this new stage, henceforth known as e2, Saturday afternoon. I have a lot to learn, so I hope you’ll tune in, send thoughts/feedback/criticism (remember, I have a theatre degree, so I know how to take criticism!) and let me know if you have a story you would like to tell that is loosely based around any/all of these themes:…