It’s always a little melancholic to get to the end of a year: time is passing so quickly, but it’s also a little liberating to see what has been done in the past 12 months, too. So in the spirit of looking back before I look forward, I have opted to assess 2019 from this series of questions I found from a friend on Facebook. We talked through a number of them at supper last night and had a great conversation; I invite you to consider doing the same, either by yourself of with some close friends or family. What makes this year unforgettable? Travel:
Interesting investments
I spent this past week at the SOCAP conference. Aside from being in beautiful San Francisco, the conference brought about some unexpected results. Or to speak in the parlance of the conference, it paid some excellent dividends (oh yes, I’m very versed in VC speak now. Ha!) I attended the conference because the Bush Foundation paid for a number of us who were selected by a committee from SOCAP to attend. It’s certainly the kind of thing that I would never have invested in for myself. Initially, I was overwhelmed by the size and scope of the conference–nearly 3,000 attendees from all over the world with many people working on…