My next retreat is February 19-21, and there are spaces available. I hope you'll sign up. But if you don't, I'm still going to do the work because I care, it's generous, helpful and absolutely worth the journey--mine and yours. But I can't control your journey, only mine. So I'm here.
Appropriate horn tooting
I knew, unconsciously, when I uploaded this that it was garbage. I mean, the only credit I give myself is basically having the good sense to attract and keep someone with an accent.
Huh, that’s weird.
“We have defined weird as a tool to force people toward the center…but the center is boring. When you care, you care by going away from the center.” ~Seth Godin I completed Seth Godin’s AltMBA earlier this year, and it was an incredibly important four-week sprinting marathon of work, learning and connecting. Because I took that class, I am now part of this massive, dynamic, kind of overwhelming and far-reaching online community. And while I am still in the exploratory phase of learning about the site, I really love the opportunities I have already taken advantage of and the people I am starting to feel a real connection to because…