Get (re)acquainted with that inner spark you’ve always had, and develop a plan of action to pursue your dream with intentional abandon.
You have dreams you want desperately to pursue, paths you know you were born to take. Perhaps it’s something that has always called to you, or maybe you only vaguely remember a long-ago certainty that you were meant for something else. For too long, you’ve been stumbling around in the dark, putting all your energy and intention into the “have tos” of your life: your job, your schedule, your responsibilities. It’s time to (re)discover who you were born to be, what you were born to do. But how in the world will you ever figure out how to make those dreams a reality much less take the first step on your path?Through a virtual (re)Discover Your Spark course.
Are you ready to (re)discover your spark?
The (re)Discover Your Spark course is a powerful online six-week program where you will:
(re)Discover your spark & Articulate your dream (professional or personal—all dreams are welcome)
Illuminate your path forward
Imagine your final step & Determine your very first step
Light the candle and get going
Define the first step(s) to take to pursue your dream in 3 days, 3 months and 3 years
Ready to say yes to yourself?
In addition, you’ll:
Participate in short, guided visualizations
Share and provide feedback with each other
Have access to 1 synchronous office hour every week
Take time to reflect and write between sessions
Join a private Facebook group of past course attendees for ongoing, live check ins and other helpful tools
Develop a new, supportive network of people invested in helping you pursue and achieve your dreams and walk with confidence down your new path
Q: Who is a (re)Discover Your Spark online course for?
A: YOU! As a busy person—your staff need you, your family need you, your colleagues across the community need you—all your demands leave little time for you to discover what YOU need from you. Take this time to focus on you and (re)discovering your spark.
Q: What does the course schedule look like?
A: 11-12 CST on Mondays for 6 weeks over Zoom. Plus 1 live office hour/week where you can ask questions/deepen relationships/network with others.
Q: My dream is pretty small. I don’t want to change the world, I just want to make a shift in my own life. Is this the right place for me?
A: There is no dream too small. We’ve had people who dream of figuring out how to leave work earlier than 7pm every day or who want to consistently build exercise and self care into their daily schedules. We’ve also had people who are working toward their greatest artistic masterpiece, those who aspire to start a brand new professional venture and others looking to uncover what’s next for them in retirement. Whatever your dream, it’s worth pursuing, and this retreat will get you started.
Q: Is the course only for women/those who identify as female?
A: No! We welcome everyone to take the course. We do sometimes hold gender-/gender identifying-specific retreats. Check in with me to find out which upcoming ones are only for women and those who identify as female.
Q: What does the six-week course cost?
A: The virtual course is $1,497. That includes lifetime admission to the private (re)Discover Your Spark Facebook group, an active page that meets for synchronous gatherings every six weeks to help you stay accountable, meet new people and continue your extraordinary journey plus everything else.
Q: I would like to do this work, but I’m worn out by Zoom. Any other way to participate?
A: There are in-person intensive weekend retreats, but they happen less frequently than the six-week virtual courses and cost more. I promise, you’ll be so engaged by the conversation, the other participants and the work you’re doing to (re)discover your spark that you won’t even notice it’s happening virtually.
Q: What does the in-person retreat schedule look like?
A: Saturday 8am-4pm and Sunday 8am-1pm, with breaks built in for reflecting and writing as well as snack times. There’s always time for snacks in my world!
Q: I don’t want to do this work with a million other people. How many people will be at an in-person retreat?
A: When we meet in person, there is only room for 10 extraordinary people, so you really get to know each other. You’ll be delighted by how quickly you become invested in each other’s journeys, too.
Still have questions? Send me a note. I’m happy to chat before you make up your mind. If you’re ready to start (re)discovering your spark and pursuing the next step of your journey and want to hold an in-person retreat in your area or want to learn about upcoming retreat dates, contact me today!
Dayna Del Val is on a mission to help others (re)discover the spark they were born with through her blog and newsletter, her professional talks and the (re)Discover Your Spark retreats she leads. Dayna works with people to help them not just identify and articulate their dreams but to develop a framework to get going on the pursuit of those dreams—today, in the next few months and for the years ahead. She's at the intersection of remarkable and so, so ordinary, but she knows that pretty much everyone else is, too. She's excited to be sharing this extraordinary journey with you.