One of the things I’m working on now that I have some extra time is really trying to be strategic about where I want extraordinaryextraordinary to go next.
I’m reading books, listening to podcasts, making podcasts (still trying to get a handle on that medium, to be honest. Ugh, technology! ) and thinking about what value I can provide.
To that end, I invite you to consider these seven questions:
1. What’s causing you stress right now?
2. How are you managing it?
3. What could you do to be managing it better?
- Where can you cut yourself some slack? Where can you offer yourself some grace?
- If you had a magic wand, name three things you’d gift yourself right now.
- What’s one thing you could do today to take one step towards achieving one of those gifts?
- What’s something that has happened in your own life that has pleasantly surprised you about this global reset?
You can download the page below and fill it out for yourself, which I encourage you to do. Thinking about the stress and berating yourself for your failures is not the best way to keep sane in this time. Give yourself permission to take 30 minutes to really dig into these questions and answer them honestly.
Then check back in periodically to see how you are doing. Has writing it down helped to give you some perspective? Have you been able to put your stresses into a more appropriate position in your life? Are you finding ways to cut yourself a little slack every day because you are more conscious of it?
Listen to my podcast on these questions, and you’ll hear my answers to the questions and learn a few other things about me, too (like, for instance, my word of choice for this podcast was “utterly” 🙄).
Like most scary, uncertain moments, with time, we can often look back and find some grace. I’m just encouraging you to try to find the grace right now, while you’re in the midst of it all.
If you fill it out, I’d love some feedback (good, bad or ugly). Were the questions compelling? Did they help you make sense of anything? Did they reveal anything of interest to you? Did taking the time to fill it out help you relax, even for just a few minutes?
We can do this. We’re doing it every day. Our new normal might be shifting under our feet minute by minute, but we’re doing it. Keep on keeping on. And wash your hands!
If you want to keep this sense of grace going, join me on a free zoom call Saturday, April 11 at 8:30am. Sign up and I’ll send you the zoom address. Hope to see you there!
A photo from our most recent trip to Oxford, England and Magdalen College. Just breathe in the beauty of that scene. Don’t you already feel a little more relaxed?
Carolyn Lillehaugen
Your questions are right on and so fun to consider! I have found this time to be a time of business and personal growth and excitement! Also, lots of good intentional communicating with my family, who except for my wonderful husband, all live far away.
Dayna Del Val
Thanks for sharing, Carolyn! Sending safe and healthy wishes to you all!