This first post, the breakdown that started the whole path into our metaphorical Phoenix rising from the ashes, launches the journey from dark to light. But at the end of this post, we are still very much in the dark.
The vulnerability of recording this caught me by surprise. It doesn’t really matter that this was three years ago and that we are today, in so many ways, entirely past the trauma and uncertainty of then. To say these words out loud was to give them a very different place of prominence in my life, and I was taken aback by how very present they made our past feel.
Dr Marry’s response is interesting in so many ways, too. Because he continues with AA to this day, he speaks about all of this much more than I certainly have. His almost impassive hearing of my words indicates to me how much further along the healing journey he likely is than I am. I just didn’t know it until now.
And to clarify one of his final lines, “They still don’t bend!”: Dr Marry is referencing this notion he has that his Irish ear cartilage is far less bendy than my Italian-Swedish-English-Scotish-muddy mix of Europen and Scandinavian ear cartilage is!
I’ve proven him wrong time and again over the years.
Deidre Hillman
What a gift you are giving others by sharing your story. I couldn’t be more intrigued as I’ve personally been effected by addiction and have friends in the journey of recovery as well. Thank you for this gift!
Dayna Del Val
Thank you for this lovely message, Deidre! Best of luck on the journey!
Mazz Marry
Thank you for the kind words, Deidre.
Bill Dablow
In the heart of vulnerability lies enormous strength. Thanks for this message Dayna. Your courage moves us all forward.
Dayna Del Val
What a lovely note, Bill. Thank you!
Phil McClean
I lost two brothers and a father to addiction (alcohol) related health issues. What I did learn, though, is that the addicted have to want to make the change. If they don’t then you have to decide if you will accept the addiction as part of the relationship. Choices (hard) we all have to make. It is a lot to work through but change can come and with it understanding, care, and love.
Dayna Del Val
Thanks for this Phil!
Mazz Marry
Thanks Phil. I think you just hit many nails squarely on the head. Sorry for your loss and thanks for reading.
Linda Hohertz
Yesterday marked 8 years since my youngest daughter chose sobriety. The learning curve on addiction is one 90 degree angle and straight up. Most of the time we just hung on for dear life as we learned, coped, moved forward, accepted. This is so important and should never be hidden.
Dayna Del Val
What a great way to describe it, Linda! Thanks for sharing and congratulations to your daughter and you all!!!
Mazz Marry
Thank you for your comment, Linda. I hope your daughter continues to be successful in her journey. And that you also benefit from it.